As we embark on this season of giving thanks SHIVHON carpets would like to take a moment to shower you with our gratitude and invite you to join us in our gratitude challenge.
At SHIVHON, we believe that sharing gratitude for everyday experience can revitalize our commitment to living life with Aloha. As a result, we invite you to spend a few minutes each day to count all of life’s little blessings. Our gratitude challenge is a 26 day challenge to help us take note of the brighter side of life. Each day we will set aside a few moments to list at least 5 things that we are grateful for. We invite you to do the same.
Day 1
Today we are grateful for the following…
- Our loyal customers who trust us with their business.
- The beautiful women who weave each and every one of our rugs.
- The public’s growing awareness of how evertday choices impact our health and our planet.
- Roberta Landman, Senior Editor, at Phoenix Home & Garden Magazine for featuring our rugs in our Living Green section (November 09 issue).
- A beautiful day of waves and caressing tradewinds on the North Shore of Oahu.
We hope you decide to join us in this challenge. There is no better time to say thank you than during this early holiday season.
Aloha nui loa