Its just there. All the time. You walk on it, you vacuum it. you make sure your curtains match the color and the texture of it. You move your furniture around on it. When you spill something on it, you wish you had invested more to have gotten the kind that cleans easier. It gives your baby a soft and warm place to play. When the friends you'd like to impress come over it speaks volumes about your status in your social circles, without ever having made a sound. Its just there. Underneath it all. All the time. For years.
Few people imagine that carpet could be their best friend. Some know. They are the ones who have done everything they could to remedy some unexplainable physical symptom that started showing up out of the blue, more often than it should have. The few who have gone so far as to have ripped out their synthetic carpet, and gone to the expense of paying for an all natural wool carpet, that doesn't have all kinds of things in it that synthetic carpets do.
It is the people who have seen an improvement in their own health or the health of someone close to them when they changed their carpet. It is those people who know the value of natural carpet. They are the ones who know how much they spent to keep themselves healthy until they discovered that their carpet was contributing to their symptoms.
We specialize in providing natural carpets to people who are aware of the impact that chemicals have on their health. The green carpets we offer are a healthy alternative to commercial carpet
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