Monday, August 26, 2013

Pura Vida Collection

I recently came back from my summer vacation in Costa Rica where I spent several weeks doing yoga, playing in the ocean, hiking, enjoying long summer evenings with good friends, and generally getting recharged and inspired.

Upon returning to the US I developed our new Pura Vida collection. I hope you enjoy it.

Pura vida is a simple phrase meaning "pure life" In costa Rica its a greeting heard frequently as "hello".

Pura vida means to live life with a deep appreciation for everything around you, despite the circumstances. It is the recognition that everything is full of life- from a butterfly, to a young surfer on the beach selling his hand made jewelry, and that everything is worthy of deep respect. This reverence for life is a feeling that our Pura Vida collection attempts to capture and honor.

To see the entire collection visit

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